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Using Govalo
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Getting started
Adding a Gift Card to your navigation
Setting up Govalo
Enabling the Theme App Extension
Adding new Gift Card Products
Getting started with Giftable Products
Adding the Gift Card Lookup Page to your navigation
Shopify native gift cards vs. Govalo Gift Cards
Enabling the QR code for use in the POS
Corporate/Bulk Gifting
Setting up the Out of Stock Prompt
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Using Govalo
How to issue a new Gift Card
How to issue multiple Gift Cards in bulk via admin
How to issue Store Credit
How to resend a gift card email
How to update the gift card balance
How to disable/delete a Gift Card or Store Credit from Govalo
Events Timeline Explained
How to Export Gift Cards and Store Credit to CSV
How to view, search and filter gift cards and store credit issued through Govalo
Analytics Explained
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Settings and customization
Adding Gift Card information to the Shopify order confirmation email
Adding custom events after the Gift Card is added to the cart
Customizing fonts and layout in the email template
Customizing the denomination/variant title of the options in your Gift Card
Adding multiple images to a Gift Card product
Customizing the look and feel of the lookup page
Setting the time when a scheduled Gift Card will be delivered
Editing an existing Gift Card product
Setting your timezone
Changing your Govalo plan
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Recharge - Setting up your Subscription Gift
Getting started with Subscription Gifts
Klaviyo - Getting your public API key
Recharge - Customizing your email template
Bold - Setting up your Subscription Gift
Subscription Gifts - How it works
Klaviyo - Creating your Flow and Email Template - Gift Card
Variables for use in the Email Template
Bold - Customizing your email template
Recharge - Editing a Subscription Gift
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Why did I not receive an email with the gift card?
The "slide out" cart isn't displayed after adding a gift card to the cart
The gift card featured on my home page doesn't show the gifting option
Govalo is not working
The gift card shows as "Sold out" on checkout
Clicking "Send a gift card" adds the item immediately to the cart, without details
I've integrated with Klaviyo, but the gift cards aren't being delivered
"Oauth error invalid_request" when trying to access Govalo
The first value on the gift card is always added to the cart, regardless of the value selected
How much does Govalo cost?
Privacy Policy
What happens if the merchant cancels with Govalo and uses the Shopify internal gift cards instead?
Comparison: Govalo X
How is liability handled? Will the gift cards issued by Govalo count towards my store’s revenue?
Can I resend the Gift Card to an alternate email address?
Is it possible to remove the "Govalo Gift Card-Do not delete" tag?
Which platforms does Govalo support?
Does Govalo support multiple currencies?
Does Govalo support multiple images on the same Gift Card product?
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