Setting up the Out of Stock Prompt

With constant issues in the supply chain, there might be a moment in which a customer wants to buy someone a specific product, only to find that the desired item is out of stock. Govalo's Out of Stock Prompt helps you to make a sale even when you're out of a given item.

It works by offering the customer the option to buy a gift card if the item is sold out:

In order to set it up:


In the Govalo app, go to Configure > Configure out of stock prompt.


Under Select your gift card product, pick the gift card product you would like to be offered as an alternative for sold out items. The customer will be able to select the values set up for that gift card product (you can change the gift card selected at any moment):


Click Enable to active the prompt. From now on, any sold out item will show the option to buy a gift card.

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