Klaviyo - Creating your Flow and Email Template - Gift Card

Some aspects of this article require programming knowledge of HTML and Shopify Liquid.

Before you follow the steps below, make sure you have connected Govalo and Klaviyo, as outlined in the guide Setting up your integration.

This guide covers the steps for creating a Flow and an Email template within that flow in Klaviyo, to handle the Gift Cards sent by Govalo.

1 - In Klaviyo, go to Flows and click Create Flow, then pick the option Create From Scratch.

2 - Give your flow a name (e.g. "Received Gift Card"), then click Create Flow.

3 - Let's start by setting up your Trigger. Among the options offered, select Metric, then in the drop-down selector presented, select Received gift card. Next, click Done:

4 - Next you'll set up an Action, through which an email will be sent. Drag the component Email and drop it under the trigger:

5 - Click the three dots, then Edit to get to the editor where you'll add the custom template:

6 - Fill out the fields accordingly, then select an option to create your template. We will go with the HTML option, so we can show you how you can use the variables included in the event sent by Govalo to build your template. You can proceed with this option and add your own custom HTML and styles around our example later on. Alternatively, you may use the Drag and Drop option to build a new template or select an existing one and plug our variables into it:

7 - Erase the sample code pre-filled by Klaviyo, then paste the sample template you see below:

<p>You received a Govalo gift card!</p>

<p>Hi {{ event.recipient }}! {% if event.sent_to_self %}Here's your gift card.{% else %}{{ event.customer }} thinks you deserve to treat yourself.{% endif %}</p>

{% if event.sent_to_self %}

{% else %}

{% if event.gift_note != "" %}

<p>They also wanted us to tell you this:</p>

<p>{{ event.gift_note }}</p>

{% else %}

{% endif %}

{% endif %}

<p><a href="https://redeem.govalo.com/card/{{ event.hash }}" target="_blank">Redeem your gift card</a></p>

<p>Value: {{ event.card_value}} </p>

<p>Gift card image:</p>

<p><img alt="Gift card image" style="height: 300px; width: auto;" src="{{ event.gift_card_image }}" /></p>

{% if event.qrCode %}

<p><img alt="QR Code" src="{{ event.qrCode }}" /></p>

{% endif %}

Make sure to click Save once you're done editing the template.

Note: the template presented above is merely a suggestion of how you can make use of the variables sent by the Govalo event in a structured email. You may modify it as necessary. For more information about the variables sent with Govalo events, see Variables for use in the email template.

Note: if you need further assistance with setting up your email template, we recommend reaching out to Klaviyo support or a Klaviyo expert.

8 - Back to the flow's editing page, change your email from Draft to Live:

9 - Now that your Gift Card flow is set up, make sure to configure Govalo so it sends the Gift Card emails to Klaviyo.

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