Bold - Setting up your Subscription Gift

Note: this feature is available for stores in the Premium and Enterprise plans.

Note: only Bold Subscriptions V2, which uses the Shopify Checkout, is supported in this integration.

Bold Subscriptions adds recurring billing capabilities to your store, so you can sell subscriptions. Through the integration between Govalo and Bold Subscriptions we take those capabilities even further, taking the experience of gifting subscriptions to the next level.

Here's how you can connect Govalo and Bold Subscriptions:


In the Govalo app, go to Integrations, then click Connect Bold - you'll be taken to your Bold account so you can connect the two apps:


Once the apps are integrated, back in the Govalo app, under Integrations, click Configure Bold:


In the next screen, click Add subscription product:

Note: If you receive the message below, login into Bold to add a subscription.


Select the product that you would like to add to a subscription:

Note: do not add gift card products to the integration with Bold Subscriptions. Gift cards are managed separately and meant to be a one-off item. The goal of this integration is to allow you to add an option to your subscription products so customers can also purchase them as a gift.


Customize your subscription gift product. You have the ability to edit the product name, image, and number of times the subscription will be sent (cycles). Once you're ready for the subscription gift product to go live, click Save and then Enable:

Important: when you add your subscription product to Govalo, our app will create a copy of that product on Shopify, with "Gift" added to its title to differentiate it from the original product. You must not edit the variant titles in the gift copy created by Govalo. Our app relies on the variant titles to correctly create the gifts, therefore any changes may cause the gift codes to be created incorrectly.

Congratulations, you have finished setting up your integration with Bold Subscriptions!

As subscription gifts are issued, you'll be able to see them listed at the bottom of the Bold Subscriptions dashboard within the Govalo app. You can also navigate into each subscription gift issued in order to view their details and resend the email if necessary.

Note: if you have integrated Govalo with Klaviyo, you may have your subscription gift emails sent via Klaviyo. Please refer to Klaviyo - Setting up your integration for more details.

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