Recharge - Editing a Subscription Gift

After you have added your subscriptions to Govalo to be offered as gifts, at any moment you can edit them through the Recharge dashboard in our app. See below how you can do it:


In the Govalo app, go to Integrations > Configure Recharge.


In the Recharge subscription products list, find the subscription gift you wish to edit, and click Edit Product:


In the edit screen, there are multiple actions you can do to adjust your subscription gift:

  • Enable/Disable the gifting option
  • Remove and upload a new image
  • Edit the title specific to your subscription gift product
  • Under Number of gift cycles, add new gifting options by allowing your customers to buy a different amount of cycles as a gift
  • Click the X next a given amount of cycles to remove it from the options
  • Under Variants, view the amount of cycles offered to be purchased as a gift (there will be multiple listings if your product has multiple variants)


After making your changes, make sure to click Save so they are persisted.

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