Omnisend - Setting up your Workflow and Email Template

Some aspects of this article require programming knowledge about HTML and Shopify Liquid.

When using the Govalo/Omnisend integration you must have Workflows set up in Omnisend, both for Gift Cards and Store Credit issued through Govalo, which will listen to the corresponding event sent by Govalo and trigger the email containing the Gift Card or Store Credit details.

In this article

You can set up both workflows before integrating the apps. Let's start by setting one up for gift cards sent. After that, we can repeat the steps, with some small changes, to create a workflow for store credit. Also check the latest section in this document in case you have Recharge or Bold Subscriptions integrated with Govalo.

Setting up your Gift Card Workflow


In your Omnisend account, go to Automation and click Explore all workflows:


Click Create custom workflow:


On the next screen, select Received gift card as your Trigger:


Drag the component Email and drop it right under the first block in your workflow. At this point you can also Edit your workflow's title (you may name it "Received gift card", for example):


Fill out the required fields for the email, then click Edit content (make sure to save the changes done so far when prompted):


Through their email editor, Omnisend offers a lot of flexibility when setting up your email template, allowing you to add multiple elements of various types. For the purpose of this guide, our steps will go over setting up a simple template, using a HTML block to help rendering the variables sent to Omnisend by Govalo. You may add extra elements and modify the template as necessary.

In the email editor, you may add your store's logo by clicking over the Logo, then Replace, and following the instructions on Omnisend to upload your logo:


Remove the elements pre-set in the template by hovering each one and clicking the "X" icon on the left:


From the Library on the left, under Quick Add, drag a One column layout and drop it under the logo, then drag and drop a HTML element within the newly created layout:


In the HTML editor that opens on the right, add the following template:

<p>You received a Govalo gift card!</p>

<p>Hi [[ custom_event.recipient ]]! [% if custom_event.sent_to_self %]Here's your gift card.[% else %][[ custom_event.customer ]] thinks you deserve to treat yourself.[% endif %]</p>

[% if custom_event.sent_to_self %]
[% else %]
	[% if custom_event.gift_note != "" %]
		<p>They also wanted us to tell you this:</p>
		<p>[[ custom_event.gift_note ]]</p>
	[% else %]
	[% endif %]
[% endif %]

<p><a href="[[ custom_event.hash ]]" target="_blank">Redeem your gift card</a></p>
<p>Value: [[ custom_event.card_value]] </p>

<p>Gift card image:</p>
<p><img alt="Gift card image" style="height: 300px; width: auto;" src="[[ custom_event.gift_card_image ]]" /></p>

Note: the template presented above is merely a suggestion of how you can make use of the variables sent by the Govalo event in a structured email. You may modify it as necessary. For more information about the variables sent with Govalo events, see Omnisend - Variables for use in the email template.


Click Finish editing:


You'll be taken back to the workflow editing page. Click Update, then Start Workflow:

Setting up your Store Credit Workflow

Setting up the Store Credit workflow is similar as setting up the Gift Card one, so you can repeat the same steps, with a few minor differences:

  • In Step 3, the trigger is named "Send store credit"
  • In Step 9, you can use a slightly different template (also change it as needed):
  • <p>You received a store credit of [[ custom_event.card_value]]!</p>
    <p>Hi [[ custom_event.recipient ]]! [[ custom_event.customer ]] thinks you deserve to treat yourself.</p>
    <p><a href="[[ custom_event.hash ]]" target="_blank">Redeem your store credit</a></p>

If Recharge or Bold Subscriptions is integrated: setting up your Subscription Gift Workflow

If Govalo is integrated with Recharge or Bold Subscriptions, you must also set up a workflow for when a Subscription Gift is issued:

  • In Step 3, the trigger is named "Received subscription gift"
  • In Step 9, you can use a slightly different template (also change it as needed):
  • <p>You received a subscription gift!</p>
    <p>Hi [[ custom_event.recipient ]]! [% if custom_event.sent_to_self %]Here's your subscription gift.[% else %][[ custom_event.customer ]] thinks you deserve to treat yourself.[% endif %]</p>
    [% if custom_event.sent_to_self %] 
    [% else %] 
    	[% if custom_event.gift_note != "" %]
    		<p>They also wanted us to tell you this:</p>
    		<p>[[ custom_event.gift_note ]]</p>
    	[% else %] 
    	[% endif %] 
    [% endif %]
    <p><a href="[[ custom_event.hash ]]" target="_blank">Redeem your subscription</a></p>
    <p>Value: [[ custom_event.card_value]] </p>
    <p>Subscription image:</p>
    <p><img alt="Gift card image" style="height: 300px; width: auto;" src="[[ custom_event.gift_card_image ]]" /></p>

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